The Wealthiest Women In Technology

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What will you do if you are  a woman with a worth of $1 billion? That’s how much is the estimated net worth of Hewlett-Packard chief executive Meg Whitman according to Wealth-X. In fact, it’s more than that. The estimated net worth is actually $1.3 billion fortune.

Second on the list is Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, whose net worth totals US$1.22 billion. From the information released by Wealth-X, her net worth was generated because she’s selling off her Facebook shares.

Third is the co-founder of Alibaba and head of new Ant Financial Services Group, Lucy Peng (also known as Peng Lei). She has a personal fortune of US$1.2 billion.

Wang Hsiueh Hong, also known as Cher, is a co-founder and Chairman of HTC Corp is the fourth in the list with an estimated net worth of $890 million.

On the fifth list is the youngest female tech executive. Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, who has a net worth of US$410 million and she’s only 39 years old. She was an executive of Google before joining Yahoo.

Below are the top 5 wealthiest women in technology:

Rank Name                     Age    Country    Estimated Net Worth *  Company
1 Meg Whitman             58        USA          1,300                                  Hewlett-Packard
2 Sheryl Sandberg         45        USA          1,220                                  Facebook
3 Lucy Peng                    42        China        1,200                                  Alibaba
4 Wang Hsiueh Hong   56        Taiwan         890                                  HTC
5 Marissa Mayer           39        USA              410                                   Yahoo

* in US$ million

What would you do if you have a billion dollar? Personally, if you ask me the same question, I won’t be able to answer you right away. Unlike when you have, for example, $1 million. It’s easier to divide where to put or spend the smaller $1 million than $1 billion. Do you agree?

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