Pinay Mom is Back
Yes, after more than 3 years in hiatus status, Pinaymom is back! I decided to resurrect my personal blog to continue my original goal in putting up this site. My intent when I started this website or my former domain, (unfortunately, is now owned by other people with useless posts or should I say garbage contents and doesn’t have anything to do with being a pinay mom ), is to;
strive and do the best not only to provide information on parenting, child rearing, relationships and more, but be of help to all moms (and wannabes) out there.
Reason I Stopped Updating Pinay Mom
One of the reasons why I stopped in updating my site is because it was hacked. This is not the first it was hack but several times already. However, I had difficulties in restoring the latest incident. My webhost is asking me for a big sum of money to clean up my site. In the past I usually pay them right away so they can restore my site but this time I did not bite their offer. The reason was, it seems the hacking is coming from their side and not from a third-party hack. Of course, I did not tell them what I was thinking at that time. Instead, I transferred my site to another webhost using my previous backup, although not updated.
Anyway, I put that incident in the past. I have additional advocate for Pinay Mom site now.
Pinay Mom Additional Goal

I’m saddened to know the term “Pinaymom” on Google doesn’t reflect what is the true meaning of it. So my goal for this 2019 and the years to come is to push or campaign in anyway I can to change what the search engine such as Google and Yahoo is showing when searching for Pinaymom. I’m also shouting out to all other pinay mom bloggers to help in one way or the other to strive to make pinay mom have a better definition . My husband who is into SEO said it can be done. I’ll write another post on how to do this and I hope you , my dear readers, will help me as well. Till next post.