How to Choose Fragrance for a Gift

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Think of this scenario: You are wandering around the cosmetics department of a famous shopping store or an online selling site looking for a gift for your best friend, school mate or sister. You are in a hurry and with all the pretty perfume bottles everywhere, giving a new scent in wrapping would be the perfect gift. For a fact, there are a lot of versions to pick on, these are always trendy, and those perfume and body lotion sets usually sells for a great bargain. In truth, scents can actually be constraining to give, because similar to the green sweater your Aunt gifted you in the previous year, not every style is perfect for each person.

Hence, to solve the stress, this article will give you a few pointers that fragrance experts have shared. Prior to going to the fragrance counter, think about the person you will give the gift with, check out the guidelines below and follow a helpful flowchart that this article can endow to make sure you make the perfect choice.

  1. Think about their daily lifestyle.

    When you are thinking of giving a perfume as a gift, think if she is classic or attention-getting? Does she exhaust spending money on denim or leather? The more she shows understatement in style, the less likely she is to choose a deep fragrance. Hence, be sure to give her something fresh. On the other hand, someone who loves extravagant clothing will prefer rich notes like wood.
  2. Think of their personality.

    Prior to shopping, expert’s advice on thinking about the person you are giving a gift an overall demeanor. When the person is basically louder or more outgoing, they would like attention, so giving a bold fragrance for day or night is just right. While, a person who is a bit shy and bears a quieter personality can like a lighter scent for the day and a mildly rich scent during the evenings.
  3. Their taste in food and drinks is significant.

    When a person loves a glass of red wine or spicy foods, there is a greater chance she will prefer a deeper scent, such as a woody musk or rosy oud. Also, when she is usually craving for sweet foods, she indeed would not hate smelling like vanilla. Experts say that for persons who like sweet coffee, they will prefer a gourmand, but for a person who likes red wine, they would prefer a woody scent.
  4. Pick a time of day.

    Experts say that it is vital to know when a person will wear the fragrance. You may ask questions like “Are they going to use it for daytime, nighttime, or something niftier?” During the daytime, you may choose something on the lighter floral side. On the other hand, a thicker, spicy or musky scent would be perfect for the evening.
  5. Your relationship matters.

    When thinking of a gift to give a family member or best friend, chances are you know them really well, wherein you can buy a more exotic and nighttime-appropriate fragrance. On the other hand, for relations not too close, a basic rule of thumb is to pick something lighter. This will make room for lesser errors, according to experts. Furthermore, when you are giving a gift to a significant other, you may simply buy a scent that you think would work great for them.

I hope you find the tips useful and helps to make buying perfume this holiday easier!

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